Almost certainly… the first component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind
- Norman Bourlaug
The mission of Food21 of Pennsylvania is to expand the breadth and depth of the regional food and agricultural economy through market-driven solutions and strategies.
Food21 is a catalyst for developing new methods and organizing resources in order to achieve the mission of growing the regional food economy consistent with our stated values and ideas. Our six pillars are as follows:
Expanding jobs and economic opportunity in the food economy
Sustainability through the applications of clean and cost-effective use of energy
Broad and inclusive participation in the food economy
Environmentally responsible in the production and processing of food
Advocate meeting health and well-being through nutritional food
Financial sustainability via normal market exchanges

Food21 is focusing on the greater Western Atlantic Food Shed for purposes of analysis and measurement. The map illustrates this area as a unified economic and agricultural region. By drawing into this area all of the available data – both public and proprietary – we are able to quantify the initiatives that are undertaken by our partners in advancing the integration and growth of the region’s food economy.

This region is connected by traditions, commerce and geography. Approximately 15 million people live in this area and over 7 million acres are actively farmed. Over the next several years we will begin to establish benchmarks for growth opportunities and identification of gaps in the supply chains that serve this market.

Food21 of Pennsylvania was established in 2018 and registered in the state of Pennsylvania as non-profit organization. It is classified as tax-exempt under 501-c-3 of the federal tax code. All contributions to Food21 are deductible. The Alliance for Non-profit Resources (www.anrinfo.org) provides us with administrative support services. If you are making a contribution please make your gift to Food21 of Pennsylvania and direct it to the Alliance for Non-Profit Resources. Contributions should be sent to ANR, c/o Sandra Curry, 127 South Main Street, Butler, PA 16001.